Meet Our Physical Therapist
Natalia Gerachenko
Licensed physical therapist, Masters Degree in Physical Therapy, Bachelor of Science, Certified Lymphedema Therapist.
Natalia, a native of Belarus, came to the U.S. in 1990 and continued her medical education at the University of Maryland at Baltimore. She graduated from UMBC with a Bachelor of Science Degree in 1995 and Masters Degree in Physical Therapy in 1997. She has been practicing physical therapy ever since.
In 2003, Natalia opened her own practice, the Physical Therapy Professional Center, now located in Gaithersburg, Maryland. The practice continues to grow and expand, maintaining the world’s best traditions of physical therapy and rehabilitation, placing it among the most sought-after practices in the Washington and Metropolitan area.
Her philosophy and treatment style combine elements of both her European and American education. Survival of an extremely traumatic auto accident and lengthy road to recovery significantly contributed to her current unique approach to rehabilitation. Her exceptional diagnostic and palpatory skills make her therapeutic interventions unique and effective. Natalia’s passion has always been hands-on treatments, combined with meticulously prescribed exercise programs and self-care techniques. She has a knack for connecting with patients of all ages and backgrounds, which has made her practice extremely popular.
​Natalia has an intelligent therapy dog, standard poodle Barukh, who’s company is enjoyed by all patients.
She lives in Clarksburg, MD. She enjoys reading, learning languages, writing, music, dancing, traveling, and is always looking to expand her knowledge and expertise.
Natalia speaks Russian, Belorusian, Ukranian, basic Polish and Spanish languages and aspires to learn more!

Photo: Irene Abdou